The Cincos'18 Congress took place last 7 December in Aveiro.

The Proptech Challenge, a European competition from CBRE that seeks projects that can shape the future of the real estate sector, has driven talents from all over the world to submit their applications. With digital transformation increasingly assuming a prominent role in the real estate sector, CBRE is investing in the search for unique solutions that can bring added value to the market.

Gestluz Consultores has the pleasure to announce that the Hat Weekend Festival takes place from the 20th to the 22th of July, at São João da Madeira. This iniciative is part of the project 'Hat Weekend | S. João da …

On the 28th of June of 2018, at Braga, will take place the Final Seminar of SIG HABITAT project (Seminar on the Promotion of Competitiveness in the Sustainable Habitat Cluster)…

A Gestluz Consultores estará presente no seminário "PROMOÇÃO DA COMPETIVIDADE NO CLUSTER HABITAT SUSTENTÁVEL" que se realizará em Braga (no Forum Braga) a 28 de junho pelas 16h00. O seminário …

"Cidade das Profissões" develops, monthly, workshops subordinated to five major themes: Employability, Entrepreneurship, Key Competences, International Mobility, Digital Tools...

Seminar on Entrepreneurship as a Response to the Competitive Challenges of the Metallurgical and Electromechanical Sector | Closing Session | 23 MARCH 2018 | TRYP Leiria Hotel.

On the next March, 16, at 10:00 a.m., AIDA will hold a session integrated on METAL EMPREENDE project, with the theme "Business Match Making Arena - New Businesses". METAL EMPREENDE…

Gestluz Consultores is pleased to be associated with the promotion of the IET CARE Project (High Performance Center for Entrepreneurs) promoted by the IET - Instituto Empresarial do Tâmega.