Training services to support since the development of the idea to the creation of companies (start up) and in the acceleration phase (scale up).
Gestluz Consultores supports the structuring of new business initiatives and/or their momentum. From the conceptualization of the business model to its implementation and results monitoring, indicating the various financing solutions, training of the teams and the dynamization of entrepreneurial ecosystems.
- Support in defining the business model and plan
Development of the idea
Assessment of value proposition
Support in the operational and strategic model
Financial validation of the investment plan
Structure of fixed and variable costs
Treasury plan
Indicators of financial performance
Risk analysis
- Market research
Survey of information, regarding the sector or target customer
- Funding
Identification of the ideal funding sources and preparation of atechnical dossier to access them
- Support in structuring the communication strategy
- Training
Integration in funded or non-funded training plans
Preparation of the company for the process certification by accredited entities
Support in the structuring/consolidation of the internationalization process