Gestluz Consultores supports the national companies in their processes of globalization/ internationalization.
Gestluz Consultores is the partner in Portugal of the Scaale Group (Advisory. Capital. Sales. M&A).
Scaale is an international consultant specialized in supporting companies in growth through the execution of global strategies innovative to achieve its growth objectives, Capital and Sales.
Headquartered in the USA with more than 50 years of experience and offices in several cities around the world, including San Francisco, Toronto, London, Mumbai and Beijing.
Scaale still maintains a network of external partners, as is the case of Gestluz, which allows for a greater penetration in the markets.
The direct presence in the locations allows Scaale realize the costs and the strategies best suited to develop the business in these markets. As well as to receive feedback of the dynamic market changes and trends, in real time, enabling support efficiently the companies in their process of growth and internationalization.
In this way, Scaale offers a virtuous combination of proximity to local markets and extensive global experience.
The Scaale acts in the following areas:
1. Advisory (Consulting)
2. Capital
3. Sales (Sales)
4. M&A (Mergers and acquisitions)