Services for public entities to support the qualification of their action, namely in terms of development and territorial planning, as well as orientated to implement internal changes to improve the services provided.

Gestluz Consultores conceives and implements projects and local and regional policies for decentralized agencies of the Public Administration, municipalities and their associations and intermunicipal communities.

The services are within the enteties assignments and competences and their geographical scope, based on the resources and distinctive chacteristics, wishes and needs, and the relevant institutional network. This way, the approach to the development takes into account the specific aspects of the territories and populations, the model of governance, planning and mobility, the infrastructure and equipment network, promotion programs, the cultural, patrimonial and environmental values available and the economic and social dynamics. It is, then, understood as a systemic and integrated approach to territorial and urban development, aiming at economic growth, increasing social cohesion and environmental valuation of cities and regions, fostering innovative and creative readings to existing challenges.

Gestluz Consultores also provides solutions for the improvement of services provided and contributions for the context costs reduction, through actions oriented to the organizational development, promoting the resources optimization, the simplification, the reengineering and the dematerialisation of processes.

Development planning and spatial Planning
- Advisor to municipal executives and associations of counties
- Territorial Development Plans
- Strategies and models to attract investment 
- Applications to finance equipment, infrastructure and non-material actions
- Municipal Plans of Territorial Planning (PDM, PU, PP)
- Strategic Plans for Urban Rehabilitation and Regeneration
- Sustainable Urban Mobility
- Tourism and Cultural Dynamization

Organizational Development
- Reengineering of Processes
- Certification of Quality, Environment, IDI, Human Resources and SST
- Institutional Communication
- Training